Akta X 2: Popis nového traileru
Před několika hodinami se na americkém serveru newsok.com objevil článek Mulder, Scully to return July 25. Další informace se objevily i v souvislosti s novým trailerem, který se má v kinech poprvé objevit před premiérou thrilleru The Happening. Podle všeho však už někteří diváci měli možnost upoutávku vidět a na zahraničních diskusních fórech se objevil podrobný popis celého traileru. Text nechávám v angličtině, protože nějaké opravdu zásadní novinky se stejně nedozvíme. Pro další text klikněte na odkaz pro zobrazení celého článku.
„The trailer begins with something that looks like a naked body on the snow, it fades in on a house-night time-and there is the priests words "I had a vision of a woman, she is in pain“ and some other words about his vision and the woman that I cannot recall now, *sorry had to write them down. Then the 20th Century logo appears. Cut to a shot of Washington D.C., Mulder and Scully come out of the helicopter. Amanda Peet's character appears and says: I called you on this because of your faith(belief) in such cases. Mulder and Scully again coming out of the helicopter and now we see that they land outside the FBI building. Then again Amanda Peet saying: „I am not the most popular woman in the FBI right now“. Cut to Mulder and Scully, the helicopter behind them, and they seem to look at a guy -who I hoped it'd be Skinner- but next frame reveals that it's XZibit's character. Then the whole atmosphere changes and becomes dark, moody and a lot like X-File scary season 4 episodes. The priest continues his rant about his visions and we see a close up of the woman, who in the frame looked like a guy with long hair-like the woman from genderbender-and then we see someone moving in close to her. Cut to Mulder and Scully-as far as I recall- looking at something, like the final scene from the previous trailer, and what they are looking at it's a pack of FBI agents looking for something in the snow, night time, blue lights and red lights everywhere. Cut to the priest saying something about his visions to Mulder and saying: „Do you believe in this kind of things?“ Mulder: „Let's just say I want to believe“. Cut to Mulder looking at Scully. Scully looks amazingly beautiful even in the tiny frame. Mulder says: Scully I need you close (translation from the Greek subtitles). Scully looks at him-no subtitles-and then Mulder reaches out and holds her hand. It's not like Pusher-Scully-Mulder hand holding moment. It's not even „I'm holding you so you can come with me and follow me on this“, but it was more like, „c'mon Scully, let's do this one last time“ kind of holding. Scully doesn't wear the blue doctor robe we saw in the „I need you on this with me“ scene but instead the white coat she wears in the hospital/church scene. That's where the holding hands scene is from. Then Mulder is running down the streets. Then -and I forgot to mention that before- Mulder and Scully are walking in the snow-night time-from the footage that leaked online and we heard the infamous „Skinner“ line. Scully turns around to look at him and I think-not sure cause it was so damn tiny-that Mulder had a beard. The subtitle reads: I no longer chase monsters in the dark"!!!The Connolly and the FBI and XZibit, then the woman trying to escape. Then(in somewhat that order as far as I remember): THIS YEAR, Mulder on the ground, unconscious, TO LEARN THE TRUTH, Connolly: These might be visions from God, Scully, looking so very beautiful with a cross on the wall behind her: It might not be God who sends these, YOU MUST BELIEVE, Mulder entering a room with plastic curtains and someone is chasing him, ugly dude gets on top of Mulder who is unconscious on the snow, Scully hittin' ugly dude's face, naked legs been dragged in the snow, Mulder kneeling in the snow, the FBI team is forming a circle that in the tiny frames looked like the bloody X sign, Peet freakin out and a close up on someone who tried to slice and dice the woman frozen in the ice, Mulder and Scully almost kiss scene, THE X FILES I WANT TO BELIEVE."
Tento článek byl zveřejněn 30.5.2008 v 13:50 v kategorii Akta X film 2.
Popis traileru mi poslala pitryska, díky!
Wow… nemůžu se dočkat až to uvidím na vlastní oči :)
No konečně jsem si pořádně srovnala v hlavě, co jsem tam v tom traileru vlastně viděla . Jak se ty scény rychle střídají, tak není šance všechno zaregistrovat. Dík.
luca@ to je popis traileru který nikdo z nás neviděl, to co známe je jen teaser :)
Aha. To jsem zase za blba . Já se v tom fakt neorientuju.
Hodně jsem si tiho přečetla
Aha… S mou angličtinou přečtu velký houby /:)
OK, vím, že to sem nepatří, ale dostala jsem přes mail skvělý obrázek. Hodně vystihuje… http://www.email.cz/getAttachment?…
Srry za adresu :-/
Píšu jinou adresu, tahle asi nepůjde :) http://img153.imagevenue.com/img.php?…
Arte: povedená fotka, ideální na plochu, škoda jenom že nemá větší rozlišení…